
To contact us: Email lgbt-bju.org 

We treat every communication with the highest degree of confidentiality. No one will know your name or be given your information unless you speficially request that we contact others. This is a safe place for you to heal from the harsh mistreatment you may have endured. You are not alone. We are here. For you.

5 Responses to About

  1. Earl says:

    Has the gay rhetoric continued since the time frame above? [snip]

  2. lgbtbju says:

    Yes. He has not publicly apologized for or repudiated his past statements. An apology, while hardly compensating for the damage his rhetoric has caused, is the initial step BJU must take, and it must be in a public forum.

    • Nancy M says:

      I agree that this vitriole must stop, and I signed the petition, but in all honesty, it will probably be a cold day in hell before BJUIII every apologizes for this one. I am curious to see though what his reaction would be if this went very public.

  3. Theo says:

    I agree that it’s unlikely. On the other hand, I never would have expected BJU to buckle under the pressure regarding interracial dating. Yet it did, at least in theory. I’ll never forget watching BJ III stammer around on Larry King Live, trying to explain the policy, and then finally announcing that the school had changed it. Classic.

    I think homophobia is even more deeply ingrained than racism at BJU, but you never know where this might lead.

  4. Nancy M says:

    ‘I think homophobia is even more deeply ingrained than racism at BJU, but you never know where this might lead.’
    I agree that it seems more deepset, but you are right. God is bigger than a man, and we never know what the future may bring.

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